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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The work has rapidly changed in my company, challenging managers to provide training to all employees.  How can this be done without impacting productivity?

SiTUATE uses principles from S-OJT, which have proven to be the most efficient and effective training approach compared to online and classroom-based programs. SiTUATE includes proprietary work analysis tools, which guides how to perform several important planning and analysis techniques, which document how the work has changed. Through SiTUATE, the organization would have a reliable system for documenting the current and forecasted duties and tasks of jobs, which is then matched-up with preparing the training modules.

  • I'm familiar with structured on-the-job training.  How is SiTUATE different? Why is better? How does it work?

SiTUATE is an integrated training system that combines the effectiveness of structured on-the-job training (S-OJT) with digital technology. Trainees will still interact live with an experienced employee who serves as the trainer.  Trainers will still use carefully-designed guides as the basis of the training content.  Trainers will still deliver SiTUATE using the five delivery steps.  And, most importantly, the trainee will still learn how to perform tasks in the actual work setting, not in a self-paced training or online environment.  All of this will remain the same, except that SiTUATE will allow the trainer and trainee to interact from separate locations using an integrated WebRTC capability, a significant advancement.  Similar to S-OJT, SiTUATE will lead to more reliable and predictable training outcomes, along with enhanced training transfer.

  • We use experienced employees to serve as trainers, but how can we use them when they are not located nearby to the employees who require the training?

SiTUATE has a real-time communication feature that seamlessly connects trainer with trainee.  Trainers and trainees can log in to schedule meetings and sign up for trainings. Trainer Guides training include embedded pop-ups to guide trainers during the delivery of the training.  Trainee Guides also have pop-ups to highlight additional comments, safety issues, and quality information. Training delays and added travel expenses are not an issue anymore. Hands-on, task-related, training can occur live, regardless of the location of trainers and trainees. SiTUATE reduces the time required to develop the training program. Trainees can use their Guides for reference after the training is completed.

  • Our company follows a quality management standard that requires documentation about the abilities of the trainers and the trainees.  How does SiTUATE address this issue?

SiTUATE provides templates on how to analyze the work and prepare the Training Guides.  The platform also includes an embedded online Train-the-Trainer program to qualify experienced employees as trainers. Each Training Guide concludes with a performance check, which the trainers uses to rate the trainees learning.  The rating is seamlessly posted on the management system. SiTUATE follows the requirements of the ISO 9001 – 2015, Clause 7.2 requirements. SiTUATE also helps companies meet other quality management standards, such as Food and Drug Administration requirements.  All of this means savings in time and lowers the cost of audits.

  • Training agility and just-in-time training are terms used at the conferences.  How does SiTUATE address these issues?

Training agility and just-in-time training refer to the ability of the company to respond quickly to changing work requirements.  Responding quickly is important, but any response still requires an analysis of the work to be learned. SiTUATE guides users to analyze the work and prepare the Training Guides efficiently and effectively. SiTUATE includes a template for conducting a Skills Gap Analysis.  Training agility and just-in-time training describe what happens when companies do not anticipate changes in the work. The Skills Gap Analysis technique within SiTUATE helps companies anticipate to the extent possible changes in the work.

  • Most employees seem to learn to do their jobs eventually anyhow.  Why should my company invest our scarce resources to adopt SiTUATE?

SiTUATE is based on S-OJT, one of the most frequently used training approaches globally. Employees can learn through unstructured forms of OJT, but why take the risk? SiTUATE includes a skills gap analysis to help plan for changes in the work.  SiTUATE also includes a financial forecasting model to determine whether the financial value of the improved performance is greater or less than the cost of the training.  Information about each project can be reported to management. Nearly 40 years of academic research and informed project experience has shown that S-OJT leads to:

  • Faster learning times

  • Fewer errors

  • Lower rework costs

  • Greater confidence

  • Lower turnover

SiTUATE can pay for itself through a higher return-on-investment (ROI) in training

  • Many SiTUATE features appear the same as our learning management system.  What is the value-added in using SiTUATE?

SiTUATE is not meant to replace a company’s broader learning management system.  In fact, the Management feature of SiTUATE can be integrated with the existing system. When companies use S-OJT, there are unique requirements in terms of planning its use, analyzing the work to be learned, and preparing the Training Guides. SiTUATE provides the best way to deliver task-level training, in the actual work setting, given the challenges in today’s work settings. Most online training programs can only focus on training topics for trainees to learn.  SiTUATE focuses on the actual tasks that employees will be expected to perform later on the job.  SiTUATE is not a learning management system.  SiTUATE is a training system that has a management component to it.

Contact us if you have any other questions

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